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    Case No. 1

    Thank you Dawn for introducing me to Hormonal Yoga Therapy I am currently in the 5th week and practicing under your guidance every day, I am now in the middle of my 2nd menstrual cycle after starting the course and cannot believe the difference. I have suffered with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome for years I am normally on pain killers in bed for 2 days every month unable to move in agony in the most chronic pain completely wipped out the whole diary has to be cancelled i am normally in bed with a hot water bottle and pain killers as well as other symptoms of stress, anxiety and tiredness I have that accompanies this. Since doing this technique its a complete Miracle Im not in pain and the symptoms have alleviated completely I feel so wonderful !!

    This is the best 2 months that I have had in 10 years!!! Im so impressed by the changes I cannot believe it, my husband and 2 children are over the moon as they suffer along with me every month knowing I am in pain and not able to do anything. This Hormone Yoga has changed my quality of life and long may it continue.

    I cannot thank you enough for what you have done Dawn you have changed my life! I love your general yoga classes also which are fantastic, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to do this course and for changing my life.


    Simone Woodford

    Case No. 2

    Hi Dawn

    Sorry for my no show last night
    I went to rest before the class and fell asleep
    I woke up at 8.30pm I obviously needed the rest.
    I did an hour practice last night after waking up
    I feel a lot better since starting the course something has changed
    My symptoms seem more controlled especially my hot flushes and I am falling a lot better over the last few weeks.
    Its definitely a life changing experience
    See you on the 21st
    Thank you so much.

    Marlene Redbridge

    Case No. 3

    Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed and found the process therapeutic .

    I am always tired since the Menopause came and went . However I am still getting the symptoms from time to time . I started practising 2 twice a week what we learned .

    It seems to help and reduce the tiredness energy levels are a much higher.

    Deanna Woodford

    Thank you dawn for introducing me to Hormonal Yoga I feel wonderful my symptoms have alleviated with the practice since I started and I am feeling full of energy my hot flushes have gone and my skin has improved and everyone has commenced that I look much better. You are a wonderful teacher.

    June London

    Hormone Yoga has changed my life I felt so terrible unable to get up out of bed hot flushes mood swings and in pain every month PMS since starting this course I feel so much better thank you Dawn.

    Tina Romford